One of Falinda's extra books or a small increase in Gold Tides.You can choose to decline her offer for a small increase in the Last Castoff's Gold Tides. Return the tome to Falinda in Circus Minor to complete the quest, Falinda will then offer to give the Last Castoff a different (less valuable) book as thanks for finally returning The Tome of Singing Thorns.Contents 1 Background 2 Interactions 2.1 Companion 2.2 Quests 2. According to his own, sarcastic reply, his name means Travels With Idiots.

Quest Start This quest can be acquired by talking to Falinda in Circus Minor. It seems important to Falinda that this book be found and returned. Quest Information Falinda, a book seller in Circus Minor, accuses the Last Castoff of theivery for borrowing a very rare book and never returning it. The slab will crumble and you will find a hand beneath it. Borrowed and Lost is a in Torment: Tides of Numenera. Numenera is a new RPG tabletop system from Monte Cook games. This former Aeon Priest is tormented by his past, and seeks to understand the tattoos writhing over his body - and take vengeance on the Changing God. Next, touch the slab just east of the skull and attempt to climb into the portal above it. (Before returning it to Falinda, it's a good idea to read The Tome of Singing Thorns and attempt to solve it's puzzle.) I got this after helping kickstart Torment: Tides of Numenara which I was interested in. Torment: Tides of Numenera The Right To Exist Complete Into the Depths, at which point you will find yourself in The Calm (aka the Labyrinth) again and the Ghostly Woman will tell you to.Alternatively you can take a more direct route to the crossroads by following The Cold, Calculating Jack questline. The Buried Crossroads can first be accessed by starting the side quest Shaky Foundations, it's entrance is in the SW corner of the Sticha Lair. Torment: Tides of Numenera Callistege Recruiting Callistege You'll first encounter Callistege in Broken Dome, one of the earliest areas of the game.The book Falinda is looking for can be found in the Buried Crossroads, a former lair of the Changing God.This quest can be acquired by talking to Falinda in Circus Minor.It seems important to Falinda that this book be found and returned. Just past the entrance of The Valley, walk westward, where Erritis will stop you and act suspicious about an alcove he knows about in the area, thus initiating the quest. Borrowed and Lost is a in Torment: Tides of Numenera.įalinda, a book seller in Circus Minor, accuses the Last Castoff of theivery for borrowing a very rare book and never returning it.