This forces the Orcs to either weaken their defense by going after the catchers (remember the catchers have dodge so only orcs blitzer can reliably block them down and they need to do 2xGFI to keep up with the catchers) or to ignore them which will allow you to restrict the movement of the orcs with them if you use your superior movement to switch sides until they cannot keep up with you anymore. While trying to get one catcher or two behind their defense. Vs Orcs you should generally build a screening wall that protects your ball carrier (NO CAGE the Orcs out strength you with their Black Orcs on a small area. The high point of the team are their high movement speed 4x Ma 7 Blitzer 4x Ma 8 Catcher while still being sturdy with av8 When you look under Race Wins you will find that Humans have a ~60% win percentage vs Chaos, Woodelves, High Elves and BretonniaĪ ~50% win percentage vs Norse, Khemri, Orcs, Nurgle, Chaos Dwarf, Skaven, Lizardmen and Dark Elves (While vs Nurgle, Skaven and Orcs are above 50% and vs Norse, Khemri, Chaos Dwarf and Lizardmen are below 50%)Ī ~40% win percentage Undead Necromantic Dwarfs Still, that's a passing game which isn't great, but if you are unable to use the running game then you may have to try it. If you don't think your opponent will fall for gambits like that then you can still try it, but better with 2 catchers on opposite sides and hope that somehow one of them winds up in a position you can clear up and get the ball to him. If your opponent is easily tricked out of position you can run a catcher down one side of the pitch, let him overcommit to stopping/blitzing him, and then screen/cage advance down the other side with numbers. You also do have a passing game compared to them (both have throwers, but orcs have no catcher), though I would not suggest trying to run your team using the passing game, but at least you can get more effectiveness from it when you have to use it compared to them. You also have an Ogre and they may not have the Troll, but 4x Bobs is better at pitch control than 1x Ogre, so it's not really as easy as just throw your Ogre in there and let your blitzers run free. You have the speed edge on orcs, but they have more ST and more armor so you have to be careful about getting stuck into scrums with them because you will lose those more often than not. orcs, but it shouldn't be too far off of that. If you are good with positioning generally you can do alright with them. They don't any thing well, but they don't do anything terribly either. So, it's just basic blood bowl, there really isn't a trick to Humans.